Monday, 12 March 2012

From Arlene Bishop

Dear Carol
I think of you every day and especially now.  I know you are very strong, and you are not a stranger to loss, and I also suspect that you will just be putting one foot in front of the other for a while.  It is so evident that you are surrounded by circles and circles of love and support, and I hope you count me as being one in those circles.
I want to thank you for your generosity in establishing and sharing the blog with us.  It helped to feel connected to you and Mike, without one feeling intrusive into what for you and Allison and Mike, would be an intensely personal experience.  It speaks to your deep and abiding love for Mike that you would make these intimacies available to the rest of us, who also deeply care.
My sense is that what you said about Mike, that he had no regrets, had a good life, one that was mostly intensely happy/gleeful, must have been so true, in that he had no need to cling to life, prolonging his suffering.  Such a blessing.  Although I know that being the one/s left behind, one can’t help but selfishly wish for one more day, one more week.   
I hope to see you, after things settle, you get your bearings and you feel like it.
My love to you

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