Thursday, 23 February 2012

From Adrianne and Rick in Cambodia

Dear Carol,

I can imagine you are click, click, clicking through so many e-mails and here is one more. I just needed to write you again.  I truly wish I was there now but I will soon be home and be there with you. It is so hard to believe this is all happening.
The other day in the village a woman came to see us; she told us her story of how she had ten children and her husband drowned in the floods, she could not afford to bury him and so they put a rock around his waist and  sunk him in the Lake, she cried as she told us her story and my heart broke for her. We were able to help her with some thatch for her house and a fishing net so she could feed her children. I thought of myself and my loss and I thought of you and your loss and I thought of how loss has no culture and no boundaries. It also reminded me about how strong we are and how we can face losses even though we do not think it possible at times. I know you are facing this head on with courage and grace..just as Mike is.
We are off again tomorrow for another 7 hour journey. I am tired and wish I was home but I also know what we are doing here is helping many  people, the people in the village were at the clinic all morning getting medicine and getting help and we felt good that we could all bring this to such an isolated area. Thanks to you and Mike for always being such a part the work  here. Please tell Mike how much we have always appreciated his wonderful support. Please give him a hug from me.
Sending you love,

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