Sunday, 19 February 2012

Fw: Missing Mike's indignation

The nurses have seen this lok a few times. But mostly Mike has been very courteous and cooperative.
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From: Terence Young <>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 17:32:52 +0000
To: Carol Matthews<>
Subject: Missing Mike's indignation

Just imagine in this photo that someone in the room has said something preposterous or committed some egregious grammatical error. The look is worth the mistake.


1 comment:

  1. I know that look very well, and I have taken great pleasure in my many talks with Mike over the years, especially the ones about Alice Munro (I can see his his delighted face when there was a new story in the New Yorker that we could dissect) and Riddley Walker. I am sending my best peaceful thoughts your way. Mike, Carol, and Alison you are all in my heart right now.


    Brenda Sully
