Wednesday, 22 February 2012

From Margaret Horsfield

Dear Carol: Waking in the night and thinking of you and Mike,  out of the blue I found myself thinking "Let the wild rumpus begin,"  a phrase I associate with Mike much more than Sendak.  At some large gathering at your place --  when, for whom, I can't remember --  he looked fiercely around at the crowd and suddenly declaimed this phrase, to no one in particular -- and grinned.  I cannot tell you how often I've used that phrase ever since -- with Emma, at parties, on birthday cards -- all thanks to Mike.  Sure I'd read the book, remembered the phrase, but I hadn't really GOT it till I heard his version   -- and saw the grin. You may know that Maria Coffey has a birthday this weekend, turning sixty, no less.  Now a commonplace event amongst friends, and coming my way in just over a year  -- but back when the world was puddle-wonderful and so much younger, I never imagined being so old.  The first sixtieth birthday party I ever attended was Mike's on Protection Island.  With a belly dancer in attendance.  A wild rumpus all around, and one I've not forgotten, especially Mike's face when the dancer (Lynette?) came on the scene.

I loved Alison's sketch of Victor.

May time pass as gently as possible for you. 

with love Margaret 
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

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